Just one pilot's attempt at taking an interesting picture every trip, often with a story to go with it. Come along for the ride.

For more recent posts, go to my site www.kentwien.com

Tuesday, March 4, 2008


I'm going to start using Twitter more.  In fact, I'll 'twitter' my training experience while I'm down in Dallas.  Join the free service here and follow along.  Be sure to add me.  Just do a search for veryjr and add RuthannOC (frequent contributor here) while you're at it.  Class starts at 12:30 today.  International regulations is the subject of the day.


Anonymous said...

I am now a twitterer, under the alias neil24

kentwien said...

Cool! Lots of you signed up just today.

Anonymous said...

Ruthann is now known as EI_ROC, because I do.... :P

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