Just one pilot's attempt at taking an interesting picture every trip, often with a story to go with it. Come along for the ride.

For more recent posts, go to my site www.kentwien.com

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Update: Lots coming next week...

I've been flying my rear end off this past week. I'll have those trip reports plus some big news next week for you. Check back then. Sorry for the delay, I'm just beat.



Anonymous said...

Looking forward to it!

Anonymous said...

And lots of cool new pictures too.... ;)

Bob said...

Looking forward to it as well, Kent. I'm hoping you'll tell us you're moving to a new aircraft type (the 777?) or getting a left seat spot!

kentwien said...

Well Bob,

Good guesses. But it's something even I didn't see coming. Those two are likely in a few years though.

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