Just one pilot's attempt at taking an interesting picture every trip, often with a story to go with it. Come along for the ride.

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Thursday, September 27, 2007

I'm still here...

Every once in a while you can get really lucky on reserve.  September was one of those months for me.  I've managed to fly just one trip, amazingly.  We're still paid a base salary so it works out nicely ever now and then.  The time off gave me plenty of time to rebuild this swing set and enjoy the great weather we're having in New Hampshire.  In fact, I'm so worn out from all the sanding and building that we're now going to take a trip to Ireland.  While I like to keep this blog aviation related, I may slip in a few pictures of Ireland later.


Anonymous said...

Ahh, the infamous swingset! Looks like you did a good job on it.

Enjoy your trip.

Anonymous said...

Dude, that is the coolest swing set I
have ever seen. You did a bang-up job
refinishing it!
I wonder if the kids will let "big kids" try it out?

Have fun on vay kay

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