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Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Holly says it better than I could...

Holly Hegeman of PlaneBuzz.com said it best today.  

In addition to remembering what happened on September 11th, I can never stop thinking of the co-workers at AA and UA that my wife and I knew.  

I flew with Amy Sweeney three months prior and took this picture of her and the captain.  We invited her to go with us on the Boeing tour in Renton, Washington, but she decided she'd stay in Seattle at the very nice hotel where we were laying over.  This was back when we were flying the 737 out of Boston to Seattle.


Anonymous said...

It's amazing how quickly those 6 years have gone. I remember now coming home from school that day to see the last tower falling live on TV. 6 years on, I still remember the rest of my evening that day as clear as a bell. Touching post Kent.

Anonymous said...

Wow , you knew Amy Sweeney! How close is the aviation community.!
I went flying yesteday with my IP, he is from New Jersey and knew some guys who died in WTC.
What was supposed to be a 1 hour flight turned into a long day. We took off in a brand new c172 did my training , then weather got really bad in DAB and we decided to go to Flagler and we spent 3 hours there , of which 1 was inside the cockpit because the FBO closed. Then when we found a space between the weather to go back and ready for takeoff our PFD airspeed and standby indicators were reading 40 kts while doing our engine run up. So then we had an amazing display of rainbows 1 over the other ( I regret not having my camera with me ).
By the way name of the restaurant me an my IP had unplanned lunch , is HIGHJACKERS.
It was a hell of a long day.

Anonymous said...

Six years on and it's still no less shocking. I was off sick from school that day and watched the whole thing live, and I've never, and in all probability never will, see something quite so horrific and violent. Thanks for the link and post Kent, very touching. My thoughts are with you.


Unknown said...

I didn't know you knew her.

I was looking at the 9/11 memorial at AA yesterday and her name stood out to me more than any other, being so Irish.

Anonymous said...

It seems just like yesterday! I can remember everything what i did that day, coming home from school and seeing it on the news then not long after the towers collapsed.

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