Just one pilot's attempt at taking an interesting picture every trip, often with a story to go with it. Come along for the ride.

For more recent posts, go to my site www.kentwien.com

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Another pilot's blog...

Sorry I've been quiet lately, but I'm not due to fly again for a few days. In the meantime, you might enjoy reading this anonymous pilot blogger (who happens to be female) write about flying in Canada. I'm enjoying her writing style and I think you just might enjoy her Cockpit Conversation blog.

Check out the list of GREAT aviation blogs she has in her "blogs" section.


Anonymous said...

Thanks Kent - I love reading about the work that you guys do. Another blog I enjoy is this one: flightlevel390.blogspot.com - an Airbus pilot called Dave (heh heh) who I suspect flies for United (although he never says).



Anonymous said...

Thanks for the link Kent! Dave FL390- I read that one too!

Anonymous said...

Hey Kent, I know some guys who live in 3rd floor at my hall , they also read your blog and loove your Boston- Paris video.

kentwien said...

Cool! Thanks EGM!

Unknown said...

Kent- Also found another blog through that link fl250.blogspot.com EXCELLENT read for those interested in time building. You have to start w/ the archives first.


Unknown said...

You're failing to provide for your customers so you're referring them elsewhere! :O

kentwien said...

Just got back from a two day trip, Ruthann. Update is coming, I swear!

Anonymous said...


We miss you!!!

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